Boys are, by their very nature, hard on furniture. Perhaps it is because they are enamored with everything outdoors; fighting, exploring, conquering, creating, that when in doors they find it difficult to transition to calm and gentle. A
boys bedroom furniture should match his personality and hold up to his abuse. While I will acknowledge that there are boys around that are more gentle in nature, for the most part if you have more than one son in your home, you are going to be faced with their more "wild" nature from time to time.
When looking to furnish ,
a boys bedroom
one should keep in mind that a bed, though intended a place of refuge at night for sleep, during the day will be transformed into a boat, rocket ship, island, car, truck, tank, castle and many other alternate realities. Your boys will hang from the bed, jump on the bed, and build forts around the bed. His bed needs to be constructed of sturdy, wooden material with joints that can withstand this kind of abuse. Particleboard will not stand up to a boy and his imagination for very long.
Dressers, bookcases and desks will suffer as well. They need to be strong enough to hold the weight of your younger boys, who will at some point be standing on them or jumping off of them.
You wouldn’t consider building a jungle gym out of particleboard or other material not designed to withstand the weight and will of children so why settle for poorly constructed furniture for your boys. Really, you should consider boys bedroom furniture as an extension of the outdoor play equipment that has moved inside.
You might also consider when purchasing furniture for your
children's bedroom
online, the shipping costs. Most reputable furniture distributors can provide you with free shipping to your curb and for an extra charge move the furniture into the room, assemble it, place it and remove all of the packaging. Purchasing furniture online does have advantages, as when you purchase through a physical store, there is always a shipping charge added.
Many pieces of
boys bedroom furniture
can also be mixed and matched to create the perfect bedroom for your sons. Whether you are looking for bunk beds, loft beds with dressers tucked under, or perhaps a desk and dresser combo, or a captains bed with bookshelf or dresser at the foot, talk with your distributor, they can help you design the room you have envisioned.
For your own sanity it is best to start out with well-constructed
wooden bedroom furniture
. You will pay a little more initially for the quality, but it is less expensive in the long run than replacing the furniture every couple years because it is not designed to withstand boys. Ideally, the bedroom set you purchase for you son should last his entire childhood.
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